Bamboo is widely grown in all parts of Thailand. Thai people has been living with Bamboo and make use of them since long time. The grown and aged bamboo are used for making furniture and household utensils. Meanwhile, duing the rainy season when the baby bambo started to grow, villagers will go seek for them so call “Bambooshoots”
This is very basic item for foods supply chain. Bamboo shoots are being boiled and cut into many shapes. Sliced, striped , or the whole bamboo chunks. When they are too many to eat at one time, there also ways to keep them good for reserved foods, or we might say preserved foods. Especially the north eastnen pepole who knows very well how to cook them preserved them and seasoning them to become unforgetable dish for local and foreigners.
For Thai people who living away from home, they naturally will be missing their tates of home foods, and Bambooshoots is one of the needed ingredeient in the recipe. It is also very popular among Chinese and othere asian who cook Bambooshots they way they prefered.
With our products, consumers will definitely satisfied with the well treated Bambooshoots, meanwhile helping the upcountries villager who collect the rawmaterial supplying to our factory.
Get our products now from agent nearby, even you have to make some reservation to get them , be sure that you will have the right products from us.